This is a travel app that centers around travel journaling.
This project involves the UI/UX design and development for the app. I'm the designer and developer on the front end working alongside a developer on the back end. Check back for project details.
Durham School Navigator is a web application tool to help parents understand the different public schools in Durham County and make informed schooling decisions. It provides a common and easy-to-use platform for all public schools to share information about themselves with parents.
This is a project being developed as part of the Code for Durham civic hacking initiative - where people come together to make their communities a better place to live, work, and play through technology. I am a part of the design team for School Navigator, working on UX design and front end development. View Project | View Github
Myself and another gradute of The Iron Yard have taught classes to teens on how to build a webpage from scratch in real time. The class covers the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 and is geared towards kids aged 12 to 15 years. View class details
I volunteer as a Teaching Assistant and Event Host with the Girl Develop It (GDI) organization. I TA HTML, CSS, Advanced HTML and Javascript classes.